The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124905   Message #2762397
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Nov-09 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: List of things to do before dying?
Subject: RE: BS: List of things to do before dying?
Yeah! I did consider that briefly, Spaw. I almost immediately rejected it, though, as a completely absurd and valueless notion... (grin)

In terms of taking the blame, though, here's my real take on it. I see plainly now that I unwittingly attracted bullies by my completely passive nature and my utter lack of consciousness about how to defend myself against them. I drew them like roadkill draws flies... ;-) So, yes, I do bear part of the blame, because I made myself an obvious target...and my family bears part of the blame for bringing me up in such a way that I would do that. Yikes! Blame all around. (I can't blame the church, though, because we didn't go to church.) At any rate if only I had known better I would have carried a blackjack in my pocket and conked the first bully that bothered me so hard that he would have thought twice about even looking sideways at me after that. And if I had done so, then it would have won me the grudging respect of that crowd, and they'd have directed their sadistic attentions elsewhere.

Too late we learn these things in life...!   As Teddy Roosevelt said, "Speak softly but carry a big stick."