The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124851   Message #2762602
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
09-Nov-09 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Mothers Undervalued by Society?
Subject: RE: BS: Are Mothers Undervalued by Society?
"As for France I read in another thread how you don't go abroad. Lizzie. Surprising how you know about French family life. May I ask how many French families you know? And whether they represent a cross-section of French society?

What I do suspect is that you are believing what you read in newspapers. I'll whisper it again. What you read in the newspapers is not always true. "

Here we go again....undermine, ridicule..etc.etc.etc...Gawd, how boring does it get!

Er...actually, this may come as a complete shock to you, but I do know people who've not only been to France, but who have houses there too, and all of them talk about the difference in the quality of family life out there. How time is taken to sit round the table, share the meal, together etc...

I have also read, listened, and watched, books, radio, TV, where many people have said the same thing about the quality of life in France and what a different view they have over there.   

However, I am NOT saying that every single French family is perfect, before you insinuate I am. Just a generalisation...based upon many people, unrelated, telling me the same things....and most of them have been mothers themselves, who are worried senseless about what is going on around their children over here...

A Saturday Night in Cardiff

Booze Britain - 'Situation Normal' in Warrington

Loads more there on that page, Dave. How many videos do you want, how many newspaper reports, how many NHS reports, how many, how many, how many? Look it all up! It's practically bankrupting the NHS! There are WHOLE police and ambulance crews around who are just there for the drunken youngsters! Yeesh!

Yeah, maybe you're right, maybe none of this is really happening, and it's all in 'Lizzie's Imagination' least that way you can stick your head back up our arse and pretend that there's nowt wrong with our children, our young people, our families, our mothers...

Are mothers undervalued in society? You bet your sweet bippy they are...and if most of those kids had been raised by loving mothers, who were *allowed* to be mothers, rather than the State and their 'child minders', who knows what a difference it may have made...

Personally, I think you are WAY wrong, Dave..because you just do not want to face up to what is going on, even with those images in front of you...and do NOT tell me that is normal behaviour which has always happened throughout life, because it has NOT. I know, I'm 54, and once, you could walk into ANY city centre at night and only see the very occasional drunk, who wasn't normally even violent...You barely saw a police car or an ambulance either...

Today, we'll be getting a report on anti-social behaviour in Cornwall, on our TVs this evening....

It is happening, Dave...WAKE UP!   

Then wake up to a whole generation of kids who have had their mothers all but taken away from them....

And by the way, I used to walk around the streets of Cardiff of an I know what they were like..There were certain areas, around the docks that you'd not have gone to, but even they weren't like that...The main city was just any other city used to be.