The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124922   Message #2762628
Posted By: Monique
09-Nov-09 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Portuguese pronunciation?
Subject: RE: BS: Portugese pronunciation?
@ Gurney: in Portugal Portuguese, the "s" at the end of a syllable -any, not only the last one- is pronounced "sh"

@ Heric: Cabrilho is pronounced the same way as Sp. Cabrillo. The Portuguese borrowed the "lh" digraph from the Occitan -what the English speaking world call "Provençal"- to write the Spanish "ll" sound, the one you more or less hear in English when you say "will_you. "Lh" was the way the troubadours would write this sound and it's still spelled this way in modern Occitan (Cf the note I wrote about the Occitan spelling at the bottom of Ma maire vòu)