The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124905   Message #2763134
Posted By: Bobert
09-Nov-09 - 08:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: List of things to do before dying?
Subject: RE: BS: List of things to do before dying?
Well, folks ain't gone until they are gone... Meaning that as long as yer still in the race then put the pedal to the metal... Everyone has a list of things they'd like to do in this life and just because one might not feel too perky doesn't mean that there are things left undone on that list... So reread the list and do some of the stuff that you are able to do...

Plus spend as much time with your loved ones... You'll never know how much that time will mean to them later down the road...

And in case this thread is based on a real situation...

...Godspeed to ya'...
