The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124851   Message #2763326
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
10-Nov-09 - 07:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Are Mothers Undervalued by Society?
Subject: RE: BS: Are Mothers Undervalued by Society?
I'm a stay at home mum and I love it but then my children are 2 and a half and 14 months. Paul and I made the decision together that one of us would stay at home to look after the children until they went to school. We felt it was important that we raised our kids and not a child minder or nursery. As I had taken voluntary redundancy just after we had had our first child and Paul is in a well paid and stable job that I would stay at home. When all 3 go to school then I will look at getting a part time job or even going back to uni. If Paul's job situation changes then we will look at things again, maybe he'll stay at home and I'll go back to work full time.

I don't look at being a mum as a job. It's something we chose to do and I love it. My children are well behaved and I enjoy being with them. I even enjoy looking after the house and cooking the meals, baking and cleaning. I wouldn't say I am undervalued at all. Paul always tells me what a great 'job' I am doing and how much appreciates what I do.

I know some mums who stay at home and live off the state and plan on having more children to increase their benefits. Another thread I know, just a personal bugbear of mine.