The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108354 Message #2763565
Posted By: GUEST,Songbob
10-Nov-09 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Songs about airplanes, aeroplanes, air travel
Subject: RE: Songs involving Airplanes
Teterboro Tower was actually written in response to an incident involving Arthur Godfrey, who, in addition to being a band-leader and entertainer, was a pilot. He was cited by the FAA for "buzzing" the Teterboro Tower (in NJ), and claimed he had an on-board emergency that the tower refused to respond to. I don't recall the outcome (it wasn't a crash), but I recall the incident.
Among the songs I think of that mention planes is "Galway to Graceland," with lines like:
Silver wings carried her over the sea, West coast of Ireland to West Tennessee...
When they landed in Memphis...
I know some others, but I think they've been mentioned above, or are not coming to mind at the moment.