The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123365   Message #2763578
Posted By: maeve
10-Nov-09 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Santa Hints 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Santa Hints 2009
1. I am an adult

2. Female

3. Favorite colors: gemstone colors: turquoise, amber, amethyst, garnet, green tourmaline...

4. Favorite authors- Madeline L'Engle, C.S. Lewis, various poets

5. What books have you really been wanting? Songbooks, traditional crafts. I'm interested in learning traditional methods used to turn plant fibers into cordage, thread, or cloth.

6. I like all kinds of (mostly) acoustic music from many regions of the world. I love learning from source singers' recordings in any language; transcripts welcome. Folk chorus arrangements of beautiful songs are especially welcome as I can take them in to the folk chorus I sing with. I read music and learn by ear. I like lullabies.

7. What CDs/cassettes/LPs, etc. - Mudcatters' music (especially yours), Folkways, traditional source singers- anything offered at Camsco, Greentrax, Brian Peters, frailed banjo, outstanding bodhran, ... I'm hungry for good music. Second hand albums are fine.

8. What movies- none, thanks

9. What is your t-shirt size? Large/X large

10. I collect hand tools, stones, flower and veggie seeds, fabric, poems, carved wood, mittens, regional knitted or lace samples, stories about a person's life, interesting letters from friends and strangers... Small, useful or lovely things; nothing costly.

11. What are some of your other hobbies? We run a small farm growing fruit trees, perennials, wildflowers, seedlings, unusual vegetables. We make or grow much of what we need. We have bantam chickens. I like to make things, take photos, paint, sew, bake, and build drystone walls and pottery. I've run a steam engine and I write songs and poetry. I've been reminding myself how to play guitar, fiddle, harp, pennywhistle and tasteful bodhran following a close encounter with an ice patch last spring. I look for unusual songs and hymns to sing in local churches.

12. I will happily wear what I am given in friendship. I like to make beaded and silver jewelry using glass, gemstones, etc. Pierced ears (one per ear), special silver charms...

13. I'm married to a talented and loving husband. We work very hard. We love to travel but haven't been able to for a few years. Simple is good.

14. I get migraines from flickering lights. A dose of dark chocolate helps greatly! Unless you plan to mail poison ivy no allergy problems. I'm not very good at self-pampering; I'm willing to learn.

15. No worries about arrival date, clever clues, intricate delivery methods unless they add to your pleasure... have fun and I am likely to enjoy it too. Thank you.