The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124915   Message #2763925
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
11-Nov-09 - 02:05 AM
Thread Name: Remembrance Sunday (UK)
Subject: RE: Remembrance Sunday (UK)
I just thought we might have a thread, at the time of Remembrance, to honour the fallen of this country without you sticking your enormous BUT in.
They were brave, BUT too stupid to know that it was the wrong war.
They died for us, BUT were led like sheep for a false cause.
Like comic Henny Pennies they rushed around and got killed protecting us from a non existant threat.

I do not believe that version of history, and collections of their letters do not support it either.
But if I challenge we will just be debating the necessity of this war and that war. There are dozens if not hundreds of such threads you could have used. You just could not be arsed to, or to start yet another one at this time of Remembrance, so you hijacked this one.

However, I concede that not one contributor agrees with me so I will shut up.