The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24198   Message #276474
Posted By: Banjer
12-Aug-00 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
Subject: RE: The Confederate Sub 'Hunley', any info?
OK...Had about all of this I can stomach....The original cause of the Civil War was NOT SLAVERY as so many of the politically correct like to assume! The South seceded from the Union over the issue of states rights. That is to say whether or not any individual state should take their guidance from a central form of government. Slavery did not become an issue until the early part of 1863 when Lincoln called for 300,000 more troops and the good folks of the North told him to go take a hike. They wern't sending any more of their sons or husbands to get slaughtered in a conflict which the North originally promised they would have solved in 90 days or less. When Mr. Lincoln realized his call was falling on deaf ears, he wrote the Emancipation Plroclimation in late 1862, to turn the war into a moral fight rather than just a legal issue. I firmly believe the crew of the Hunley (the third one to sink) should be placed with full Confederate military honors next to the bodies of the first two crews.