The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124681   Message #2765254
Posted By: MGM·Lion
13-Nov-09 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: American English usages taking over Brit
Subject: RE: BS: American English usages taking over Brit
One example which has been ticking around my head since I started this thread has just surfaced — the term used in the military for servicemen [and women] who are not officers. The correct, & official, British English term for those not commissioned in the British armed services is "Other Ranks" ['OR' or 'ORs']. But the distinguished English novelist Ben Elton, in one of his books with a British military setting, persistently used the American equivalent "Enlisted men", which set my teeth on edge every time I came across it. Whether ignorance, or wilfulness, or a misguided attempt at Transpond trendiness on Elton's part, I have no means of knowing — I did write to him on the matter c/o his publishers but received no response. But I hope this won't catch on. You over there may have your 'enlisted men', but we have our 'other ranks', & long may it remain so.

Re previous post — in Noel Coward's play 'Relative Values', an American visitor who announces she is going 'horseriding' receives the reply "We just say 'riding' - the horse is taken for granted".