The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124775   Message #2765387
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
13-Nov-09 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: 11-09/De-clutter & Accountability report
Subject: RE: BS: 11-09/De-clutter & Accountability report
I was sorting through a book of accounts and passwords this morning, three-hole punching sheets and updating account information. As I prepare to stop a few email accounts, I'm finding I had several set up for things I forgot about. I'll have to see if they are still active or if I can declare them dead. Virtual house cleaning.

Late night at work today, so I'm finishing up some of this stuff before I head over. And the dogs and I need a walk before I head out. Exercise has been on the fly this week (plenty of stair climbing, but not many dog walks since last weekend).

On another note, my hands are beginning to clear up more. I grabbed some wet laundry last weekend when the washer went unbalanced, and found that the dermatitis got worse for a couple of days, because I didn't take the time to put on gloves. That has been the answer, good hand cream (Eucerin) and gloves.