The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125032   Message #2766036
Posted By: MGM·Lion
14-Nov-09 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: Beijing's premier blues and jam band
Subject: RE: Beijing's premier blues and jam band
Indeed. And I am told by a Chinese colleague of my late wife with whom she edited a comprehension textbook for Chinese degree-level English students, and with whom I am still in touch, that a couple of broadcasts I did on the English Language service of Radio Beijing still go out about every 3 months, and Sweet Lovely Nancy and In Praise Of John Magee still fill the Chinese airwaves — so in a sense I suppose the assignment is still ongoing... The song most appreciated by the Chinese students was, unsurprisingly, The Tailor In The Teachest {"Shall we take him out to China, Shall we trade him in for tea?"}; tho probably my most able postgrad student had a great fondness, for some reason, for Robin Hood & The 15 Foresters...