The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125024   Message #2766394
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Nov-09 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Woman joins The Red Arrows
Subject: RE: BS: Woman joins The Red Arrows
What's 'daft' about Yeomen Warder uniforms? I think they are smart and attractive and altogether beautiful. This is a folk site, FFS, & they are a fine part of our tradition. & don't knock our tourist industry either - you [whoever in GB is reading this] would be a lot worse off without it. & above all, a bit of sympathy & respect for that most oppressed & unfortunate woman Anne Boleyn, please — one of history's real unfortunates, the thought of whose fate at the hands of probably the greatest, most brutal, disgrace to our commonweal ever can still bring tears to my eyes.