The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74823   Message #2768116
Posted By: GUEST,999
17-Nov-09 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Three Score and Ten
Subject: Lyr Add: THREESCORE AND TEN (from Clancy Bros.)
These are the lyrics used by the Clancy Brothers.

As recorded on "The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem Sing of the Sea" (1968)

CHORUS: And it's threescore and ten
Boys and men were lost from Grimsby town.
From Yarmouth down to Scarborough
Many hundreds more were drowned.
Our herring craft, our trawlers,
Our fishing smacks, as well,
They long did fight the bitter night
And battle with the swell.

1. Methinks I see a host of craft
Spreading their sails alee
As down the Humber they do glide
All bound for the Northern Sea.
Methinks I see on each small craft
A crew with hearts so brave
Going out to earn their daily bread
Upon the restless wave.

2. Methinks I see them yet again
As they leave this land behind,
Casting their nets into the sea
The herring shoals to find.
Methinks I see them yet again
And they all on board all right,
With their nets close-reefed and their decks cleaned up
And their sidelights burning bright.

3. October's night brought such a sight!
'Twas never seen before.
There was masts and yards and broken spars
Come washed upon the shore.
There was many a heart of sorrow.
There was many a heart so brave.
There was many a fine and hearty lad
To find a watery grave.

Hope this helps.