The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125087   Message #2768776
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
18-Nov-09 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: Attracting old folks to young folk music
Subject: RE: Attracting old folks to young folk music
Sure, why not?   Folk radio, folk festivals,and folk audiences are not so close minded and realize that the movement has moved forward.

I think we've established that this musis has no appeal to most of the posters on Mudcat. The world still spins, the music still gets heard. You are all entitled to your opinions, but that makes neither of us correct.

There IS a music scene going on, it embraces the word "FOLK" for reasons that you many of you refuse to consider. You had a wonderful scene back in your day - but it wasn't "folk" either based on the definitions that you put forward.

Folk Entertainer - If you can seriously call Bob Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot or Peter Paul & Mary "folk" as you have in other threads, and then deny the label to contemporary music - you are creating your own specific definition that relates to your own world.

I guess the recent posts have proved the point I originally set out to make - old people like yourselves are not receptive to new songs and new ideas. You wish young people would embrace the world that existed when you were young.   You fall into the trap of trying to live again through another generation instead of letting them do their one thing.   You were so good at rebeling against the "status quo" in your day, but now you have eased back into the easy chair and become EXACTLY what you rebelled against.

Sorry for the rant.   Thank you all for opening the doors and saving the music.   Time to let another generation make their impact. Call it whatever you want. It's damn good and made by good folks.