The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125109   Message #2769320
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
19-Nov-09 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: convert ABC to Finale???help
Subject: RE: convert ABC to Finale???help
Okay, meneermalik. I'm not an expert,but here's how I would do it.
I have a MIDI-based music program (noteworthy composer) and a MIDI controller (computerized piano keyboard.)

Are these tunes traditional tunes? If so, search for MIDI's of them on the Internet. Download the tunes to Finale, edit them to suit, and print them or save them for your publisher.

Have you tried that MicNotator? Finale says you can play a tune on a brass or woodwind instrument and it will notate it. Can you play whistle, flute or recorder?

Or use a MIDI controller to input them to Finale. I believe a MIDI controller costs about $149. You may need a sound card or something to accept its MIDI output. Ask a computer technician.

In a pinch, you can probably just enter the notes manually into Finale (locate line or space, select note size and click) but that is tedious.

Right now you may be thinking "What does Leeneia know? She's never even heard of mus or xml!" That may be true, but given my equipment I could get the job done. So far nobody here has been able to claim that.

And if you don't already have a MIDI controller but you get one, you can have a world of fun with it after this project is done.