The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125109   Message #2769329
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
19-Nov-09 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: convert ABC to Finale???help
Subject: RE: convert ABC to Finale???help

Sorry I could have told you that's disabled in the trial version!

However I have had a look at scripting in the demo version of 2010 and I think it is possible.

When you have the xml files created, you need to generate a file like this:

  menu item "Import"
  type "XMLFileName" in "File name:"
  click "Open"
  save as mus

where XMLFileName is the name of one of your files. Generate this same piece of code for each file name and save the whole thing as FinaleScript.dat

You should then be able to read that from the Options part of the Script Palette. (However with my demo copy, it created a folder for imported scripts, but didn't add it. I had to fool it by creating an empty script, then adding some header and trailer to my code and replacing the empty script in one of the Finale folders. I won't bore you with the details - it may be a byproduct of the demo copy, but if you need them it's simple for me to give you it).

The only other thing you'll need to check is that save as mus, since saving is disabled in the demo copy I couldn't actually check that that worked!

One other point about the script - the script would not run unless I already had a document open; I had to make a default document before running the script.

The upshot is I do believe it's possible to automate all of your conversion. (Despite Joe's entreaty I'll omit any more technical details for now until you decide if you're going to go down this route).
