The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2769354
Posted By: Don Firth
19-Nov-09 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Just logged on and I note that things seem to be pretty well in hand.

I did try to access some of GfS's "links," by trying to get to the sites through google (apparently GfS doesn't know how to make a link, nor, it would seem, accurately transcribe a URL—all you have to do is copy and paste from the address line, but I guess that was just too much bother for him/her—so much for credibility), but what I did find was similar to what others found: GfS is trying to make it sound as if all of the problems the California health care system is having are caused by illegal aliens, when in actuality, they are only a small part of the problem.

And there is this interesting little bit:

GfS, most of your "links" didn't work, and those that did triggered my anti-virus software and showed me a warning screen that said the site was unsafe, and asked me if I really want to proceed?

Are you really that petty?

Don Firth

P. S. The primary subject of this thread is U. S. Health Care Reform. But Rig, aided and abetted by GfS, has managed to "red herring" it into a discussion of one of Rig's favorite obsessions, illegal aliens, and blow it all out of proportion.