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Thread #125109   Message #2769390
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
19-Nov-09 - 03:53 PM
Thread Name: convert ABC to Finale???help
Subject: RE: convert ABC to Finale???help
meneermalik - A short while back I started a thread querying conversion from ABC to MusicXML. I didn't get to a full solution, but may continue here... (Thread found HERE )

The ABC2XML mentioned can be found with a Windows version at the following site .
The actual download is HERE.
It is packaged in an archive file in a format that is used by LINUX. I managed to unpack it by using Portable_Ubuntu_for_Windows. Once unpacked, you end up with both the Linux and the Windows versions of the programme. What you do with them then is anybody's guess! (Which brings me to...)

Mick - I've now tracked down the executable files for ABC2XML. Can you give us any clues to the usage of the programme - either under Linux or Windows (or both) please? I assume it is a Command Line job, and I haven't really done much with a command line since Windows 3.1 in the 90s.

I also found a thread from a number of years back, which contained an interesting comment. I may try to contact the 'Catter who posted before mentioning it here.

Geoff the Duck.