The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #124011   Message #2769634
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
20-Nov-09 - 02:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK immigration too high?
Subject: RE: BS: UK immigration too high?
I will answer for you then.
You have no cause to say that at all.
From the start I have only debated the practical and rational issues surrounding immigration.
I have been concerned only with numbers, never origins.
The only exceptions being when language is an issue, or when someone else has raised the issue of EU v non EU migration.
I described my views as in line with a cross party group that includes ethnic minority members and the last Archbishop of Canterbury.
Like them I have never advocated an end to immigration, but a reduction over a period of years to a state of balanced migration.
I am no racist so have never made a racist statement Don.
But you believe you can see beyond the posts of a member and straight into his soul.
Do you see yourself as a kind of Deity Don?
That would explain why, from your lofty moral superiority and knowledge, it is OK for you to be in favour of controlling immigration, but not a mere mortal.
It would also explain how you know that the arrival of people like the Jutes has improved our population, making us somehow better than others not so blessed.
Not racist when you say it.