The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44660   Message #2769642
Posted By: Artful Codger
20-Nov-09 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: Chords - Polly Von
Subject: RE: Chords - Polly Von
Was she "shooting pool with the guys of The Swan"? ;-}

Here's a broadside version, transcribed from a Bodley scan:
Harding B 16(152d); between 1802 and 1819

Molly Whan.

Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14 Great st. Andrew street 7 Dials [London]

A story, a story, to you I'll relate,
Of a loving young damsel a Maying she went,
As she was a Maying a shower it began,
she went under the green bush the shower to shun,

As Jemmy was fowling with his dog and his gun.
He to his great grief shot his dear Molly Whan.
And when he came to her and found it was she,
His limbs they did tremble his eyes could scarce see

Then home to his father away he did run,
saying father dear father great harm have I done
I've shot the fairest creature that ever was known,
I have shot my true love my dear Molly Whan.

His father came running with hair handing grey,
Saying Jemmy love, Jemmy love don't run away
Stay in your own country 'till trial come on,
I'll warrant you'll be righted by the laws of the land

In two or three nights after the lady did appear,
saying uncle loveing uncle pray let my love clear
For my apron hung round me took me for a swan
But to his great grief shot his dear Molly Whan

set them up all together stand them all in a row,
Molly Whan was the fairest like mountain of snow,
Curse light upon Toby who lent me his gun,
Which to my great grief shot my dear Molly Whan.

I like how he tries to pawn off some of the blame on his friend Toby. Will the animal transformation proponents claim the gun had a hare-trigger?

Artful "Leave Them Groaning" Codger