The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2769858
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
20-Nov-09 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
After this years annual Serpent Fayre went so splendidly well (despite the unfortunate demise of Mr. O' Houlihan, who it seems was ravaged to death by some unknown wild animal and had to be identified by his dental records) the village has been quite contentedly slowing down for Winter.

The recent autumnal winds have rendered the orchard tree's barren of their last remaining leaves, while local Mushrooming enthusiasts wander through Lesser Rivingtons woods foraging for Blewits, Chicken of the Woods and Amanita Muscaria (the latter once baked dry, is said my Mrs. Prosser to make a "delightful shamanic tea, ideal for Sabbats").

After excitement from the Serpent Fayre has finally died down, and the weather becomes increasingly chill (so much so that the WI Coven are compelled to don balaclavas and woolen mittens & scarves during their sky-clad rites around the Mother Stone) everyone feels a little wistful at the passing of Summer, so it is with much chatter and excitement that the latest news from the RIV chronicle is received in the village.

In fact - Oh Goody! - I've just read in my own copy (delivered a little late by Rev. Pete's wiry haired and rather wayward son "...but better late than a broken window", think I) that the re-Imagined village Round Table are planning to host a "Winter Warmer" event over the Solstice! Amongst other entertainments (including a tombola, raffle and knife throwing event), Tomlin has been booked to DJ an evening's Psy-Trance (a small add, including a grainy B&W photo of the ever-smiling Landlord's Daughter and "E's, Whizz & Acid can be purchased on the Door!" in bold type underneath).

The Round Table, keen to encourage the village's young people have advertised this years Solstice Winter Warmer as "The re-Imagined village's first official Illegal Rave: be there or be square!"

A couple of delapidated buses belonging to dreadlocked New-Age travelers have already parked up on the old Quire's land, but as the Squire is now a thoroughly friendly and egalitarian Gloucester Old Spot, no-body minds in the slightest.