The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2770114
Posted By: Don Firth
20-Nov-09 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
All I was able to find googling "Olive View Hospital" and "immigrants" was a bunch of stuff that simply didn't relate, plus a number of articles about Michael D. Antonovich ("Republican member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors"), who seems to be having a real snit about undocumented workers. Not unlike some of the snits being thrown here. Hardly what I would call an unbiased source. He strikes me as a typical politician riding a currently popular hobby horse.

Anybody else know anything about this guy?

My apologies, GfS, if I jumped to conclusions, but I did try one of the sites you recommended—again—and got the same warning screen again. Perhaps you didn't intend that. Sometimes it just happens with particular sites.

But my immediate thought was of someone who infested this forum some time back (anybody remember the guy who named himself after two different guitar companies?) who took to the little prank of directing people to a possible computer screwing virus. He was a nasty piece of work, and eventually got himself banned for his general unpleasantness and his cute little tricks.

Don Firth

P. S. Once again, I stick in the sidebar that the subject of this thread is U. S. Health Care Reform. This matter of undocumented workers using a public health care system is strictly a side issue, or another issue entirely—not a deal breaker!

There are a couple of dozen countries on this planet with a national health care systems, some totally tax supported, some incorporating insurance companies but putting a limit on the profits they can make (and those insurance companies seem to regard it worthwhile to stay in business). What happened to "good old Yankee ingenuity?" Have we grown so inept as a country that we can't work out something even remotely similar to other systems, adopted by less wealthy countries, that work?