The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4825   Message #2770354
Posted By: MGM·Lion
21-Nov-09 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: Cop Killer IS objectionable
Subject: RE: Cop Killer IS objectionable
I have just read right thru this refreshed thread. Two things amaze me:—

1 No list of Related Threads at the top — hasn't censorship been an issue elsewhere? Oh, surely ...

2 Nobody from here in the UK seems to have chipped in to mention our Race Relations legislation of 1965, 1976 &c, which forbids discrimination on ethnic grounds in employment, education &c; and also makes any publication or public pronouncement to the detriment of any section of society on ethnic grounds illegal. In other words, such pronouncements and/or publication is subject to CENSORSHIP. This is generally approved of by 'liberal' elements in our society - who, however, will paradoxically generally declare themselves to be opposed to 'censorship' in any form. All such acquaintance to whom I have pointed out the 'censorship' aspects of the Race Relations Acts, and asked to justify such inconsistency, have been either evasive or self-contradictory.

I have no solution to offer to resolve this apparent paradox; but it seems to me that this situation is most relevant, and bears strong and obvious affinities to, the subject of this thread throughout.

Anyone, either from here or from over there in US, care to comment on these observations?