The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125028   Message #2770509
Posted By: Rapparee
21-Nov-09 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: 2012
Subject: RE: BS: 2012
I have it on good authority that England will start impressing American seamen again and we'll have to fight the War of 1812 all over again. This time the US will invade England, England will surrender, and the US will promptly return the country to its rightful owners, the Dutch/Lichtenstein Coalition. This will anger Andorra (which claims the White Tower) and will start what will be called "The EU Spat". Monte Carlo will toss in its chips early and Vatican City will pray that everyone stop it RIGHT NOW OR ELSE. Luxembourg will eventually negotiate the Peace of Grand Fenwick, and England will end up paying and annual tribute of one kippered herring and a single rose to the Isle of Jersey.