The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125028   Message #2770867
Posted By: Donuel
21-Nov-09 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012
Subject: RE: BS: 2012
I am embarrased to admit it but in my twenties I divided every major date in history by 666 in search of anything funny. It turned out to be me but as one could expect, some results were funnier than others.

Prophecy is a dish best served annonymously. You can still be attacked for such things today. However the MIT "EGG" experiment and countless other experiments have proven that the larger the consciousness that is involved in a future event the more that info leaks backwards in time. There is something to the idea that consciousness goes against the grain of time.

Just look at Y2K... oh yeah well never mind that. Look at 2032 and you will...umm that one hasn't even happened yet. Oh well I'm sure you have your own successful personal prophecy that lends credence to prophecy....did you hear that? ... see the phone rang.
But seriously,
I make a large distinction between the hoopla of "egoized" prophecy and the notion of non linear information theory which allows for a reversal in time. Prophecy is pure putrid BS and the other is only slightly smelly.