The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125230   Message #2771617
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
23-Nov-09 - 06:12 AM
Thread Name: True Traditional Music
Subject: RE: True Traditional Music
So how isn't the music of J.S Bach traditional? It's certainly traditional enough for the ITCM who include classical (and by default Baroque) in their inclusive remit, but obviously you lot know better! JSB was writing as part of an ongoing living traditional cultural process he was both developing and contributing to, an idiomatic genre he certainly didn't conjure forth out of thin air, nor yet the technologies that made it's performance possible (organ / instruments / playing traditions / singing traditions). He was a master of his idiom and passed it on suitable enriched for the next generation for further development. Any hey, Folkies, here's a seasonal hint - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring makes a cracking counterpoint to The Sans Day Carol, especially if played on the medieval bagpipes - as my mate Ian Harrison did at our Christmas gig at The Grapes in Sheffield back in 1991...

'Now that's what I call a definition!

But that's folk as flotsam - and flotsam is any old shit that floats. It all happens in the name of folk and it fits rather quite snugly with your precious 1954 Definition too, saving the usual hang-ups on how we define community. So, nappy-rash notwithstanding, old man - what's the problem?