The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125258   Message #2772420
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Nov-09 - 05:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Subject: RE: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Now, don't you go a-startin' again..John. :0)

My ex-husband has just lost his job, after being forced to reapply for it (crap idea that one is...but it's happening all over the place at present, far more than before)

And my manageress's husband has told that he'll be having his wages cut after Christmas (he works for Torbay Council)....and he'll have to reapply for his job too.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Chris (my manageress) was called to an area meeting the other day. All staff were told they had to bring their own lunch with them, which was the first time this had happened. And this is in a company that is spending millions changing all it's lovely gold hangers to black, because 'they fancy a change'. They also waste millions in booklets to teach their staff what we already know...

The Corruption Up Top has never been as bad as it is now..