The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2772651
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Nov-09 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
My sister still lives out in L.A. To say the least things are VERY bad out there, and I'm not at all sure the figures are that far off, at all.
I'm not against immigrants, or Mexicans. Jeez, we used to go down there almost every weekend, but what we have seen in recent years, is astounding! When our earlier immigrants came to America, they fled Europe in hopes of finding a place where there was freedom from religious oppression, where people could worship God, in they ways they chose, and freedom of speech, and assembly; to be able to find a place, where they could follow and pursue their dreams, and build a future. They had very little to work with, but their drive to build a place where a tyrannical government, of kings and religious leaders who dominated their lives, and that of their families, oppressed them to the point,to seek and build a better lives for themselves, and their families. So they built this nation where the principle goal was to be FREE, to pursue those ideals, and they fought, and died for that freedom. They didn't immigrate over here, for free handouts, welfare, medicare, food stamps, and state social programs! Matter of fact, those social programs came into being later, as a 'safety net', to provide for those fellow countrymen, and their families, when they met hard times. It was never meant to be a way of life, or an enticement for votes, to keep the political hacks in power! My, how things have changed!