The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125109   Message #2772665
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
24-Nov-09 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: convert ABC to Finale???help
Subject: RE: convert ABC to Finale???help

One problem that abc2xml seems to have is in the generation of the tag, where it generates an id attribute with a number by default and should generate an identifier eg. it generates , where it should generate something like .

In my post to Geoff above I said that the newer versions of abc2xml accepts abc with w: fields and ignore them. In fact it seems worse than that - it seems to fail silently, generating an incomplete xml file. I'll try and check out versions of abc2xml, but it probably won't be before next week.

As an aside, I am working on xml generation from abc from my Prolog abc parser (actually resuming work on something I started before). At the moment I can generate xml from straightforward abc files, including generating the lyrics from w: tags. It doesn't handle parts or voices yet (the xml generator that is; the parser does, but I need to figure out what to do with them when generating the xml). The only drawback at the moment is that the Parser (essentially a Prolog DCG for the Draft abc 2 revision 4 spec) doesn't have very good error handling - the grammer is pretty complete, but the DCG is like a recursive descent parser with backtracking and suffers the same handicaps when getting to something it doesn't understand. I'll fix that up eventually, but at the moment it likes well-formed abc!

I should have a working version for the straightforward abc to xml in a week or so if that's any help to anyone.
