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Thread #123258   Message #2772767
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Nov-09 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Heric, I wasn't sure if your post was in response to mine or not, but being as you broached the subject, when California itself was the world's seventh largest economy, and a lot of employers out there hire illegals, for cheaper wages, especially in the construction trades, and hospitality industry, and those cash wages are not being recycled into our economy, but being sent back to Mexico, via Western Union, along with not being taxed, and when those same people are burdening our social programs, it certainly does hit the economy. Whether its 40% or 50%, or 25%, it has become a drain and burden for those honest citizens who simply wish to provide for their families! It effectively removes monies from the base, from which supports the livelihoods, that people rely on. Economy IS the movement of money. When money circulates slow, or their is less cash available, the economy is slow. Removing money from the base, so their is less of it circulating, taking up those jobs that we've been told, 'Americans don't want'(by the way, ask anyone who can't find a job now, if that's even true), to further a political agenda, is that same political agenda working AGAINST THEIR CONSTITUENTS who they were supposed to 'represent'...which of course, is another folly, when the populace is by in large, against being taxed higher, out of work, nor denied medical services because it is unaffordable. That being said, health care reform should address the ills that plague the way this present system is being abused, and wrought with fraud, overcharged, frivolous lawsuits, and corrupt insurance practices. Simply putting the insurance companies out of commission, is not the only solution. This bill, that is up before the Senate now, is not an answer, just a bigger problem, both on the economy, and our quality of health care. Yes, absolutely something NEEDS to be done, but this very unpopular, bill is not it. The way I hear it, is that those 'representatives' who are backing it, will be out of office next they say...but who knows, that's what the 'other side' says, but all the polls are indicating that the majority of people in this country are opposed to it, but that seems to be falling on deaf ears...why?...Because of corruption????...or ideological mental illnesses?...or bribery for a vote to support??...Time will tell, but let's hope before its not before its too late!