The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125109   Message #2772853
Posted By: meneermalik
24-Nov-09 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: convert ABC to Finale???help
Subject: RE: convert ABC to Finale???help
I've had a chance to try the scripting in Harmony and it works perfectly. Keeps the original titles for each abc file/tune and no errors in Finale when importing the xml's. Thanks for that! Yes that's much better than trying to write a new script for it.

I tried a whole bunch of different tunes with abc2xml and I get the same errors everytime when trying to open those files in Finale. The tune comes up but all the notes are compressed with one another and the whole tune is written on only one line. The error messages I get every time are:

XML error in file "tunename.xml" at line 14. Attribute value "1" of type ID must be a name.

The second error which also always pops up after the first is this:

XML error in file "tunename.xml" at line 18. Attribute value "1" of type IDREF must be a name.

My abc notation is quite clean and I have no words or anything else in the W: field.

Mick I'd be interested in trying out the program. Would help to save one step along the way. Going to try the Finale batch process script tonight to see about converint the xml's to mus. Will let you know.
Thanks for all the help. When I can complete the whole process from abc to .mus when dealing with large volumes I'll post a clean message with all the steps to act as a future reference for anyone else.