The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2773036
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Nov-09 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Don:"P.S. Once again, I remind you that this thread is about U. S. Health Care Reform, not about illegal immigration."

No shit, Sherlock!
And as far as not caring about immigrants, you're wrong again. That being said, there are legal ways to enter this country, and to be accountable for one's labor and taxes, and benefits. Coming in, by ignoring the laws, of how to do it LEGALLY, could be done legally, that is unless you intend to break more laws, and use benefits, including medical, 'under the radar'. So, i guess you think this is about 'equal rights';, so to make it equal, do you think we should all get to pick our favorite law to ignore, with impunity????

As far as, another element, which you seem to disregard, before one can build, or make certain improvements, the liberals instituted, new fees taxes) for 'impact studies' and reports to be made, before one can legally proceed, which has merit, right?? Did anyone even consider the impact of 14 million people who suddenly, illegally, and unknown, as to where to house them or feed them, appear upon the infrastructure, including medical care, upon the people who live here????...that we now have to pay for???? Get real!! Talk to your friends in L.A. Get a clue, before you spout off nonsense that you expect the 'other guy' to pay for!..and put up with burgeoning crime levels, and unemployment for the very ones footing the bill!