The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125258   Message #2773212
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
25-Nov-09 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Subject: RE: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
"Hey, you insinuating that I can't get the Rebellion started all on my own?

No Lizzie I am saying that you can't WIN a rebellion on your own."

And that, is absolutely correct.

However...I could have got that Rebellion started a few weeks back, but..guess what? Yes, the TV company wouldn't let me 'talk'. They had well over an hour of me ranting (in a controlled manner,folks) about the state this country is in, the injustices going on, the lack of moral and honest behaviour, the dog eat dog situation we're now in.

Oh how I spoke angrily about Torbay Health Authority and my 95 year old mother-in-law not being allowed to have those bath handles..being told she had to stand up and wash as she wasn't deemed 'critical'...and they're bankrupt anyway, so they ain't giving anything out....HOW I raged (politely).......but no, he wouldn't use it, he wouldn't take part in having the guts to stand up and say "ENOUGH!!!!"

And why?

Fear of being taken to court.

The press were exactly that same...

"Oh, I'm sorry, but we can't possibly print that, in case of legal action. We won't print anything that's too, too...well, you know..."

Yet the man who brought his camera round to film me felt exactly the same as I did. He was as angry as I was.....and he agreed with what I was saying.

So, the legal system has forced a silence upon this country, upon many countries, which, in a way, has opened the doors for The Corrupt Ones to take over and do what they've done.

Years back, as I've said before, the Poll Tax was repealed because of one woman. One woman who went on Radio Devon and was ALLOWED to speak her mind, was allowed to sit there and say "This is so WRONG!"....and the rest, is history.   Within days it was on every local BBC radio station, making it to the Big BBC Guys shortly after...and we all DID take to the streets, Dave...Remember? My family did, Nonny in her pushchair too....out onto the streets of Plymouth where the City was brought to a standstill as thousands of people, inspired by ONE woman, finally got angry enough to bring about change.

She would not be allowed to inspire people these days..and THAT is the hard part.   

Our voices have been taken away....

It is time, somehow, to bring them back...

So yes, if your friends in Trade Unions need another voice, send them my way, because this country belonged to my Dad, who went to war for it...but it also belongs to his grandchildren too, as does the rest of the world, and from what I see through my un-rose-tinted-truth-glasses, we are, at present, on a Highway to Hell...brought about by our own Apathy and Cowardice.