The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125258   Message #2773366
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
25-Nov-09 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Subject: RE: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
"And, Tug, yes I know that equaly fair does not necessarily equate to equal percentages. You know that. Lizzie knows that but has difficulty putting it across. I was trying to help."

Please, don't patronize me. I do not have difficulty in getting my point across at all. I just do not write in the way you wish me to write.


I have written more words which have incensed/inspired/infuriated more people than you've had hot dinners, David.

I get my point across very those who choose to see.

Thank you.

I gave up 'stuffing envelopes' the day I heard Show of Hands, because they gave me my voice. No-one has (or had) the right to take that away from me...and now, thanks to Bruce, who did more than any other person to give me my voice back, and Joe for listening to him, I have my voice back.

BBC TVs 'Spotlight' (local news) programme have just rung to say they're sending someone round tomorrow to interview me. I expect they'll only use the quiet bits again, but never mind, because it inspired a few people last time round, so hopefully, it'll inspire a few people this time too.

And if anyone from South West Water dares to tell me that I should be really pleased to be paying over £500 a year for water, and that is on the Watersure Help Scheme they do (!!!) PURELY because I live in Devon by some of the most beautiful coastline, I'll have their guts for garters.....because we should all be paying exactly the same rate for our water bills nationally.

I need to get that idea out...that we need to bring a National Scale back for water bills....

Private companies work for profit...and those at the top make big salaries, because the bottom, are paying them, whilst lying awake at night worrying how the hell we're going to pay those bills.

"Is there anything left in England that's not for sale?" (taken from Cutthroats Crooks and Conmen' by Steve Knightley)

Oh, and could someone please post the lyrics to that song, if they have them, as I've not a clue where my CDs are at the moment, probably up in the attic along with loads of other boxes still to be unpacked.

Thank you.