The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2773881
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
26-Nov-09 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
I don't know who the original quote was from, about, '"Illegal immigrants are bad for your health", but the key word here is 'ILLEGAL', not be fair.
But to keep things straight, the thread is about health care.

As noted, in my links, earlier, the problem is many illegals are afraid to get health care, in fear of being deported. The problem with that is, if they are carrying a contagious disease, it has more time, if untreated to spread. You may remember, the first cases of 'swine flu' were reported in Mexico City, about three or four months ago. Anyone who has done much traveling abroad knows about getting some shots, before getting a passport. There are advantages of doing things legal, and ones health should be one of those concerns.

Ever been in, let's say a store, during flu season, and the feeling you get when some clown coughs in your direction, without turning away, or covering their mouths?? Why should that feeling be any different when people come into a country, our country, illegally, bringing with them God only knows what, and then are afraid to get heath care, for fear of being forced to leave?

I think that most Americans, being pretty good folks, welcome immigrants, and are proud of this country, when asking them, "How do you like it here?"..anticipating glowing remarks from a visitor.
So let's not confuse anyone who is opposed to immigration, with
ILLEGAL immigration. There is nothing bigoted about people resenting the fact that those people are resented and suspected, because at the get go, they are showing a contempt for our laws!!

On the other hand, I don't think there is a person in here, including myself, who knowing that a LEGAL visitor was sick, and/or needing medical attention, would hesitate to directing them to those services, perhaps even driving them to it, if necessary!
We are, in fact, known for being, not only arrogant people...but also a generous people!!!!

By in large, generous people resent being taken advantage of!!
Regards, GfS