The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7890   Message #2774521
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
26-Nov-09 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Sam Henry's Songs of the People
Subject: RE: Sam Henry's Songs of the People
Joe, thank ever so much you for that link to John Moulden's talk on Sam Henry and 'The North American Influence on a North Irish Song Collection'. It's a superb tribute from one lover of traditional song to another.

After exploring a bit further it seems there are lots of other treasures in the Library of Congess/ Folklife Center webcasts; these are a few others I found.

A "singing lecture" given on Dec 4 2008 by singer and collector Maurice Leyden I am a Wee Weaver: Weaving and Singing in Northern Ireland which is a great tribute to the Ulster weaver poets and singers. This is a fascinating and stimulating lecture which probably deserves to start off a new thread, not least because of the way in which he dicusses "Our Wedding Day".

There is also a brillant concert from Rosie Stewart of County Fermanagh, and an inspiring talk by Len Graham It's of My Rambles: Journey in the Song Tradition of Ulster.

These talks are all on RealPlayer and last about an hour each, and are probably best viewed by opening "Launch in a new window".

I suspect there are a lot more goodies among the Library of Congress webcasts; this was what I could find after a brief exploration. So kudos to the LoC and the Folklife Center, and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland sponsoring these talks and for making them available.

Matthew Edwards