The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125319   Message #2774569
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
26-Nov-09 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas? A rant
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas? A rant
Man, Little Hawk, you completely missed the gist of my opening post.

I'm ranting because merchants peddle merchandise as if there is a special reason when it has becomes less and less so. Most people give gifts in December for reasons that are longer seasonally important. Those December gifts would have just as much or as little meaning, if given at any other time.

I know there are many Christians who celebrate the Nativity, giving gifts in honor of the holiday, not just giving lip service to it. I'm not railing against them. My admiration for them is profound.

I don't celebrate Christmas because I am not a Christian. I'm not offended by Christmas. I am offended by those who are offended by an overt celebration of Christmas as a religious holiday!

Not only that, am I not offended by the public or private celebration of any religion's holidays; I am joyed to see the traditions and the trappings that go with them.

Finally Hawk, you choose the things that tick you off and I'll choose my battles; at this time, this ticks me off.