The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125258   Message #2774997
Posted By: Ruth Archer
27-Nov-09 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Subject: RE: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Well, Lizzie, if you ever brought any thread to a logical conclusion maybe everyone wouldn't get bored and end up going off on tangents. We still don't know what the outcome was for the bath handles, or the Anne Summers shop, or your water rant to the BBC, or your festival, or your radio programme, or numerous other issues.

The pattern seems to go like this: You get up a head of steam about something. You have a good old rant at someone either in person or down the phone. You come on to Mudcat and report your rant back to the community here, and then go on to state in no uncertain terms all the things you're about to do to change the world so tha tthis thing (whatever it is) doesn't happen again. And then...

Well, that seems to be it, really. You don't ever seem to get beyond the ranting. That's why, to be perfectly frank, it's kind of hard to take you seriously. I suggested to you earlier in this thread a couple of different courses of action you might take to turn your sxcreeching into some thing more than that - how to actually start to make a difference. But you don't really want to do that, I don't think. You don't weant to do the mundane, boring, time-consuming grass-roots activity that is really required to make things happen - you told us you're above stuffing envelopes, for a start. Instead, you seem to think that the world's media ought to be beating a path to your door so that everyone can benefit from your pearls of wisdom.

Well, as I said earlier, a lot of people rant and rage. Too many, in fact, for the media to give each and every one of them a platform. So the media tends to pay attention to people who actually have a track record of getting things done, and who provide real solutions, or particular insights into a problem. In other words, why should they listen to you in particular? You need to get out and do sdome things first. Start a coimmunity action group. But I'll warn you now - you may have to stuff a few envelopes.