The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2775382
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
28-Nov-09 - 02:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
That's all fine and dandy...but THIS 'health care' bill is not about health...its about control of more of the economy and you. If they were REALLY concerned about your health..I mean REALLY CONCERNED, they would educate you about foods. Remember the FDA, is FOOD and drug administration. First they screw you up with the foods, then hustle you drugs, for the ills you get from eating that shit! What you need to do, is get your body 'alkaline'. Viruses, NOR CANCER, can live or grow or propagate in an alkaline body. (Betcha' didn't know that.) Also being 'alkaline' causes your cholesterol count to normalize out, and you don't build plaque in your veins and arteries(amazing stuff, huh?). I know people, and more of them each week, who are CANCELING their 'health' insurances, except for emergency care, in case of accidents, by doing what it takes to turn their bodies from acidic to alkaline! YEAH!! For the baloney their shoveling at us about 'swine flu', 'health' care bills, vaccines, they could have supplied everyone with the means to get alkaline. Yes, dear ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, frogs and newts,...its not JUST the drug companies, insurances companies, and medical providers LOBBYING your 'representatives' to get this stupid thing passed....its the FOOD conglomerates, as well!!

I can tell you a lot more, but I'll wait, till some ears perk up, and some get off the 'political toilet' mentality. Listening to most of these clowns(politicians) is like the blind leading the blind. They don't know shit, other than how to bilk you out of your hard earned money, and to keep themselves in power, to do it more...and we just love it that way!!!!!...and argue about the most righteous way to commit national suicide!

But what do I know???...except the way out...and the first step is to stop cramming their shit into your ears...and into your minds!!

I mean, I don't eat shit, roll it around in my hands, stuff it into my nose, and certainly not cram it in my ears!! So why pay attention to most these assholes?? They are lying to us all, and we end up fighting amongst ourselves OVER THEIR LIES!!!!!! You've got to be kidding me!

Well before I go off, I'll just drop the 'alkaline' thing off to you, to chew on....just for starters. There are several ways to do it.

Anyway, stay well, be prosperous, and don't listen to bogus crusaders, who want your votes or money!
Warmest to You,

Winks at L.H.(yo-ho)