The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24304   Message #277539
Posted By: Bert
14-Aug-00 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: Borrowed instruments - just say NO ?
Subject: RE: Borrowed instruments - just say NO ?
Well that's what you get when you spend too much money for a guitar. I'm happy if someone picks up a guitar of mine and starts playing it. They are made to be played. Sure they are fragile, but so is pottery and glassware. They are disposable items. Get a few kids in your house and you will learn not to take such things too seriously.

And if you think a couple of dents are going to do it any harm just take a look at Willie Nelson's guitar. Even with a bloody great hole in the top he still makes it sound good.

Put your effort into playing and into encouraging other people to play. And if you suspect that the party might deteriorate or is going to be outside, just take along a cheaper guitar.
