The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125258   Message #2775443
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
28-Nov-09 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Subject: RE: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
No, 'they' are not!

And...thank you. long is it before some Corporate Bastard decides to start charging us for the very air that we breathe?????? After all, some parts of the country have cleaner air than others...and people have 'worked hard' to achieve that, so it only follows, in today's Loopy Thinking that the punters should have to pay for that fact...

I mean seriously.....

Did anyone here EVER think that every drop of water we got out of the tap, or flushed down the toilet, would be weighed, measured and charged outrageous amounts for?????

I'm diabetic...and I KNOW that there are the occasional times when I have to drink and drink and drink...and it doesn't matter how many cups of water it takes, the thirst is still there. It's a thirst that I never understood before...your body's way of watering everything down...and before I was diagnosed diabetic I had that thirst a great deal, as do many people...Now my diabetes is under control, so is the thirst, but just very occasionally, it will return...

My friend, who is severely diabetic, used, as a young undiagnosed person, to drink her own bath water because she couldn't get out of it as her thirst was so great...She'd drink from a running tap because a glass didn't hold enough...You almost get to the point of not even bothering if you have to drink out of puddles, so bad can it be at times...

Maybe we should all start drinking from puddles, because at least that's still free.....although I expect South West Water will soon have a Puddle Meter/Charge too....

Maybe the people of Devon and Cornwall should call themselves the Westcountrypuddle Martyrs in union with their Dorset Cousins from Tolpuddle...

The magnificent 'Wallbreaker' by Benji Kirkpatrick

"You can package me, sell me to the proles
you can Find me down in the deepest holes
I am your life, I am all your world
I make it grow, make the leaves unfurl

I run clear from the highest hills
But soon come round when I feel your spills
You throw me junk of which I soon consume
I can divert but I will resume

People pay for me, people fight for me
I've no regard for you at all
You can throw what you like at me
I keep on moving
I can bring down any wall

There are some who walk forty miles a day
And on their heads carry me away
Have to ration, have to make it stretch
Making the most of what they can get

People pay for me, people fight for me
I've no regard for you at all
You can throw what you like at me
I keep on moving
I can bring down any wall

Others turn a tap and I will appear
Seems no need for conservation here
Ready to use or waste at will
Thinking nothing when the glass is spilled

I can destroy in great towering waves
And likewise many lives can save
Some say that wars I will soon incite
For the purest drop people stand and fight

People pay for me, people fight for me
I've no regard for you at all
You can throw what you like at me
I keep on moving
I can bring down any wall

People cry for me, people die for me
I've no regard for you at all
You can fill me with your piles of waste
It leaves a bitter taste
But still my rivers flow and oceans roar

I am alive as the beating heart
*I have been here right from the start"

*(I think that last line may be wrong, as I couldn't quite catch the words, apologies to Benji if it is)

Benji Kirkpatrick's Myspace where 'Wallbreaker' can be heard

And those at South West Water seem as unfeeling as Mother Water herself, because they just keep on raging through people's lives, causing flood of worry, anxiety and unhappiness, causing families to argue over baths, washing, flushing toilets etc....leaving people lying awake at nights trying to work out how they will be able to pay their bills....

"I've no regard for you at all....You can throw what you like at me, I keep on moving..."

The song of those who run South West Water!

They have no beating heart though, just empty ones that love only money, and they don't care what they have to do to get it. Their motives are as crystal clear as their 'product', but their consumers have had their minds muddied up with emotional blackmail..

It's time to clear the heads of The WestCountrypuddle Martyrs, once and for all..

Pick up thy strength of ye people of the Weste Countrye, because we are neede to go into Battle once more!

"God is our guide! from field, from wave, From plough, from anvil, and from loom; We come, our country's rights to save, And speak a tyrant faction's doom: We raise the watch-word liberty; We will, we will, we will be free!" - George Loveless