The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125301   Message #2775517
28-Nov-09 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: Happy Thanksgiving...
Subject: RE: Happy Thanksgiving...
Whut tha hell izza "god lovin stance?" All thet singin an ritchul stuff doant mean jackshit ta tha millyuns uv folks whut aint got no food an no playz ta live in. Yall ar sorta like thet Bush guy we had az prezident. He sed he loved god an wuzza chistian an all thet an hiz god lovin stance wuz all about killin lotz uv other folks for thair god lovin stance.

Sumtimez it seemz ta me thet iffen that Jesus feller wuz ta come back today thet tha first thing heed do wud be do away with all thiz relijus stuff thet seemz to result in doin all the rong thingz. Yer pome aint doin nuthin but prayzin the rong thingz insted uv condemmin them. Thet signal frum the sky should be tellin to stop all the hoopla an go figger out how ta help folks. Peeples roun heer sumtimez nock on Joe Offer an while i doant care much fer religion, he putz hiz ta uze az best he can. Lot uv other folks heer do thet too. lot uv em doant.