The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120285   Message #2775629
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
28-Nov-09 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
Subject: RE: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
Why are peeps presuming that SB doesn't actually personally like the stuff she sings?

My guess would be that she personally *loves* those show tunes, and why shouldn't she? She told the world yonks ago, that her personal dream is to be the next Elaine Page - which I'd guess, would tend to describe the type of music that she likes.

Anyway, good for her that she got through the psychological troubles she was having before. I hope she does well for herself from the work she's now doing - and it isn't all going to line Cowell's already overburdened pockets!