The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125340   Message #2776333
Posted By: Bat Goddess
29-Nov-09 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: My broken arm is fixed!
Subject: RE: BS: My broken arm is fixed!
You'll probably need physical therapy -- especially if the muscles atrophied at all while in the cast. I did rehab both in the pool and on land for three months and then for another couple months just working out with weights, stretchy bands, and weighted pulley thingies. By my last session in the pool I could pass a ball from hand to hand behind my back. I had full range of motion back by the time I ended working with a therapist.

Strengthening exercises with free weights, push ups against a wall, and workouts with stretchy bands, etc. have continued at home for the past two years -- it's taken that long to regain enough strength with my left arm to push myself out of the bath tub. That's what it took for me to declare myself healed.
