The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122763   Message #2776356
Posted By: Gurney
29-Nov-09 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee
Subject: RE: Anti-Semitism : A Mon Like Thee
Thanks for the response, Kitty. It seems to me that your wince is a conditioned response, too.
I am possibly a generation older than you, my father fought in WWII, and most younger people seem to me to be conditioned in different ways to me. When I was young, Negros were niggers, we had jocks and micks and wogs and wops and dagos and chinks, and when I came here to NZ I was called a pom. Except by Maoris, who called me a Pakeha. All considered horribly insulting, now, except Pakeha. They were only very mildly insulting in years gone by.
People are raised mealy-mouthed nowadays. I can't see how implying Jews become financially successful is in any way insulting. Must be a generation thing.
I don't sing the song, but I would if I wanted to.