The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2776484
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
29-Nov-09 - 11:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
Hmmm, Interesting couple of posts from the resident horse. Here, try this:

Fact: Dr.Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize, in 1931 for discovering the cause of cancer originated and grew in oxygen deprived acidic tissue. Nobody since then has been able to disprove or repudiate that fact!(Little Hawk was again correct).

Fact: Dr. Hiromi Shinya of Japan, IS Japan's top surgeon, and considered within the top 10 in the world. He invented the colostomy procedure, and when you see the little camera, that you may have seen, on videos, or T.V., with the little tool on it to remove polyps, that was his invention. He has performed over 300,000 of those procedures, which included followed up, with giving the patient water, from his machine, that he also helped designed, from the large machines they have in the hospitals(in Japan)for home use, and is, in fact, the only licensed medical device, with three sanctions from the 'Biological Medical Institute', comprised of 6,500 doctors worldwide. With this water, and diet, to alkaline the body, NOT one person had a relapse or re-occurrence with that water!!

Fact: Dr. Hiromi Shinya is currently, clinical professor of surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York City, and Chief of Surgical Endoscopy Unit at Beth Israel Medical Center.
He has also written a book called the 'Enzyme Factor' (over 2 million sold)which is considered brilliant, and should be read by anyone who is REALLY INTERESTED about their health, beyond the politically correct nonsense, which has us ranked 37, in life longevity. It lays out exactly what you should know, and finally is being used by physicians and health givers, to educate people about foods, illnesses, and wellness,...not to mention living longer.

Fact: Japan ranks number one in life longevity. America ranks 37th!

Fact:The machine he is associated with is called 'Enagic', and info can be found at:

I do not own one, but two people I know do, and swear by them. I do not sell them, nor have I any financial interest, commercial interest nor profit in anyway, from them. (I've gone a different route to get 'alkaline'). However these machines do work, within the first week, and one of my brothers, whose figures I will post, from his blood test, will blow you away!

So you might have 'opinions' about it one way or another, but they, on the most part, are just hot air from windbags..with no actual facts regarding what is being said.(That usually doesn't matter to a couple of the resident blowhards on here...well it hasn't in the past, anyway). I suggest to anyone who is really seriously heath conscious in this, to check out the website...not for arguing, but to educate themselves, and take a look-see.

This is a health issue, I'm not looking to debate! I already did my homework! I'm just trying to help!

I'm told, that those who buy the machines, are encouraged to GIVE the water away FREE, to any and everyone..for health's sake. Let THEM tell you if it changes their health!!
Warmest Regards,