The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2776966
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Nov-09 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
I don't really know how to interpret your figures, Doug, and here's why.

I too am opposed to the plan that is presently going through Congress...but I am in favor of a different plan, one that would put in place a one-payer universal health care plan such as we have in Canada.

So, when you say that such and such a percent of your public is opposed to the health care plan that is presently being presented in your Congress, what does that tell us about what your public actually wants in terms of a health care plan and what their concerns are?

Not much!

People could oppose that plan for a huge variety of divergent reasons, and they could be people who would utterly disagree with one another on health care.

So as far as I can see, all you're doing is chuckling over the fact that Obama, a Democratic president, is losing support for his position, and for no other reason than the fact that you like to see a Democratic president lose support for his position.

As far as I can see, Obama's plan is strengthening the position of the very kind of privatized for-profit health care system you already support.