The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123258   Message #2777375
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
01-Dec-09 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Health Care Reform
Subject: RE: BS: US Health Care Reform
""Don T: "Privileged position?" 'splain please.""

"You've got yours, so screw the losers". Almost every comment you make reinforces that image of your attitude.

Over the course of five years or so, seeing your opinions on many different subjects, I have an overall picture of a man who is where he wants to be, and will defend his position vigorously, but sees those who cannot climb the ladder as indolent losers.

A man, in fact, who is adamantly opposed to paying one red cent of his hard earned cash to helping the less fortunate.

What is most difficult to explain to such men is that socialism is not synonymous with communism, that social projects will, in the long term pay dividends both nationally and individually, and that by paying a few cents extra on a regular basis, he can save himself money in the long term.

The bottom line is this. ALL the money your government spends comes out of your pockets, because that's all the money governments HAVE. One way or the other YOU pay.

Wouldn't you rather pay less AND have everyone covered?

If you answer no to that, then you are saying you prefer to go on being ripped off by greedy insurance companies, while one in five of your countrymen have nothing but the minimum of emergency aid.

That seems like a privileged position to me, at least until you retire, lose your job, or develop a condition they won't cover.

Don T.