The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125345   Message #2777631
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
01-Dec-09 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cheney in 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Cheney in 2012
Dick Cheney does not deserve to be President of the US. He deserves a special room in Hell, with Osama Bin Laden as his cell mate.

I believe he intentionally ignored warnings that could have prevented the 9/11 attacks in hopes that a terrorist attack could be used as a propaganda tool to further his agenda. I don't believe he expected anything as huge as what actually happened - he expected an attack with tens of casualties, not thousands - but the fact that he was willing to allow even one person to be used as a sacrificial lamb to further his own neocon goals makes him an accessory to murder.


As for Sarah Palin, if she were to actually attempt a run at the Presidency in 2012, her Republican primary opponents would chew her up and spit her out in small bloody chunks. She resigned an elected position to go off and be a celebrity. She's a quitter who reneged on her promise to the people of her state. Will she quit again if the Presidency isn't what she expected? It's one thing when Democrats say such things, but it's absolutely damning when her fellow Republicans say them, and if she enters the primaries they will be said.

If she's going to be part of the 2012 Republican ticket, it will be a reprise as Vice President so she doesn't have to go through the primary system*. As VP candidate the same Republicans who would have done their best to destroy her in the primaries can all rally to her defense as those mean old Democrats tell nasty vicious lies about her.

* As an aside, I think the current system of, essentially, appointing US Vice Presidential nominees is ludicrous. I firmly believe that VP nominees should be chosen from among the pool of Presidential primary candidates. That way we'd know that if he or she should ever assume the Presidency, we'd be getting someone who was at least interested enough in the job to have attempted to earn it instead of having had it presented gratis by the party PR experts.